These guidelines have been provided by Oman Airports.
Oman Airports (OA) has released a journey start-up plan for passengers who will be travelling when commercial flights resume. These guidelines have been introduced because the journey of travellers through the airport will now differ as a result of the society’s obligation to co-exist with the COVID-19 pandemic, yet the requirement to maintain health and safety measures continue.
Before Travelling:
Sanitisation & Hygiene:
- Airport facilities and surfaces are frequently cleaned and sanitized
- Refrain from entering any areas that are undergoing sanitization
- Wash your hand for 20-seconds
- Hand sanitisers are provided across the terminal facilities
- Minimize touching surfaces in the airport
- All trolleys, trays and other equipment are disinfected
- Dispose face masks and gloves in dedicated trash cans
- Some facilities are closed at the airport
Contactless Services:
- Online check-in
- Self service kiosk
- baggage drop
- Passenger boarding system
- Contactless payment
Car Park & Forecourt Access:
- Use short term parking for a quick access
- Body temperature of 38°C or higher to be directed to the medical facility
- If Covid-19 symptoms are shown, then would not permitted to continue their journey
- PPE is available for purchase at the airport
Security and Emigration:
- Sanitise your hands after any documents exchanged
- E-gates will not be operational at this time
- Place all items in the trays to avoid manual security search
- Avoid to carry any prohibited items to avoid manual search
Restaurants, cafes and shopping areas:
- No-return policy is implemented
- Some retail areas are closed until further notice
- Seating is reduced in restaurants
- Special measures are implemented across the food and beverage outlets
Physical Distancing:
- Maintain a social distance of 2 meters at all times
- Protective screens are installed throughout the airport
Boarding & De-boarding:
- Row boarding and disembarkation are implemented
- Follow the instructions of ground staff and crew at all times
Seating & Waiting areas:
Maintain distancing while seating
In addition, there are guidelines for travellers who are arriving:
Covid-19 Temperature Screening Process
If COVID-19 symptoms are shown, passengers will be guided to the airport’s clinic for further testing and for other necessary actions.
- Sanitise your hands if documents are exchanged.
- E-gates will not be operational at this time
Baggage Reclaim
Maintain social distance while collecting your bag
Avoid carrying any customs-prohibited items
Exit & Transportation
- No meters & greeters are allowed at the airport.
- Rental cars are sanitized before each rental
- Airport taxis are not operational at this time